The #1 Cloud-Based, Project-Centric EPC, Engineering, and Capital Construction Software
ProjecTools Big Idea
Tools & Dashboards
ProjecTools cloud-based project management software connects managers, project teams, and stakeholders in real time. Live Dashboards provide project visibility. Intuitive tools, workflows, and forms keep things moving smoothly. Clients · Managers · Suppliers · Project Teams. Anytime. Anywhere.
Analytics, Reports and Notifications
Live analytics and reports mean better decisions. Real time status, progress, and performance indicators are a must. Notifications of lookahead, pending, and late actions by project role and responsibility keep your projects on time and on budget. Get it all with ProjecTools.
Every project has its differences in how things are done. We get it. One example – onsite managers and inspectors prefer paper forms in some situations. Mobile forms make sense in other situations. Can we do some of each? No problem.
Flexibility built into our project management software lets you define your repeatable global and project processes. Set workflows and processes for efficiency in project execution. All with smart, system-ensured consistency and precision. Do your project your way with intuitive tools, project visibility and transparency. Count on real time Summary and Detail reports. All with impeccable tracking and audit trails.
Full Menu or A La Carte
Enjoy our fully integrated suite of solutions or use the pieces that work for you. Connect key data points with your working systems using our secure data interfaces for scheduling, planning, financial, construction, or document exchanges.
Why ProjecTools Project Management Software
We’ve been delivering solutions for successful projects to our partners since 1994. Cloud based since 2006. We listen to and work with our partners. Always have. Always will.

ProjecTools Technology
Document Management
Every project begins and ends with documents and document management: design, proposals, contracts, drawings, specifications, data sheets, manuals, regulations, policies, test records . . . Every stakeholder (clients, contractors, suppliers) has their own document numbering system, which never matches your own. Each document must be received and catalogued. Or created, reviewed, revised, and approved by its corresponding discipline team. Then, the right revision of each document must be distributed. And issued for action to purchasers, suppliers, inspectors, construction and commissioning teams. Finally, another cycle of review, approval, and acceptance of executed forms and documents in preparation for handover to the operator. No problem.
Document Integration
We built our Document Management Software to handle every phase and step of your project:
- Searchable multiple document number per document (client, supplier, project).
- Automated Batch Upload and sorting of files and forms.
- Revision control of every document and form, with detailed revision history.
- Data links to connect documents and forms to Equipment Tags, Project Systems, Subsystems & Locations, Contracts, REQs and Bid Packages, Punchlist, Completions Work Folders, Purchase Orders, Inspections, Certificates, Etc.
- Online paper, mobile, and hybrid document workflows, routings, and transmittals.
- Distribution Matrix with self-serve document access per user role & responsibility.
- Client, Supplier, and User Dashboards with-real time document progress analytics, reports. Intuitive task assignment and completion tools. Anytime. Anywhere.
Why ProjecTools Engineering & Commissioning Software
We bring your processes and the moving pieces of your Engineering and Commissioning project together in an integrated, intuitive solution that works for you. Your way. Because we know commissioning, we understand that each commissioning project approaches this seemingly infinite process a little differently. In the way that works best for them. We respect that. We work with you to ensure your repeatable global and project processes and ideas are captured and implemented. ProjecTools Engineering & Commissioning Software then helps you direct and track your project, according to your processes and ideas, with efficient precision and visibility. Also, count on reliable project history and impeccable audit trails for you, your client, and your project team.
ProjecTools has been delivering Engineering & Commissioning Software solutions for project success since 1994. Cloud based since 2006. We listen to and work with our partners. Always have. Always will.
Tools & Dashboards
ProjecTools cloud-based Engineering & Commissioning Software connects managers, project teams, and stakeholders in real time. Live Dashboards provide project visibility. Intuitive tools, workflows, and forms keep your project moving smoothly.
Full Menu or A La Carte
Enjoy our fully integrated Engineering & Commissioning Software solution or use the pieces that work for you.
✓ Robust Equipment Tag-to-Data links
- System/Subsystem, Discipline, Function, Component, Location
- Drawings, Data Sheets, Specifications, P&ID, Etc.
- ITR, Punchlist
✓ Global/Project ITR Libraries (Paper and/or Mobile use option)
- Smart PDF form to auto populate Equipment Tag data to printed ITRs
- User friendly mobile ITR forms
- ITR revision control and history
✓ Automated bulk ITR Assignment to Inspectors
✓ Bulk upload completed ITR forms
- Auto sync completed mobile ITR forms, photos, Punchlist
✓ Definable online ITR Approval and Completion workflows
✓ System generated Completions Certs & Handover Packages
- Index, Table of Contents, Files, Photos, Punchlist, Etc.
✓ Commissioning Driven Construction
- Work Folders by location
- Automated Work Folder Step to Step Handover
- Definable Step Handover Workflow
- System Generated Work Folder Completion Package (Index, Table of Contents, Files, Photos, Punchlist, Etc.)
✓ And much more…
Analytics, Reports and Notifications
Live analytics and reports mean better decisions. Real time status, progress, and performance indicators are a must. Notifications of lookahead, pending, and late actions by project role and responsibility keep your projects on time and on budget.
ProjecTools Cost Control Software gives real-time visibility into budget baselines, forecasts and performance to project managers, sponsors, and decision makers. Simple setup tools get your project up and running immediately. Dashboards and self-serve reports give managers easy access to summary and/or detailed analytics and reports on baseline cost allocation, real-time cost tracking and variance analysis. Reliable, timely information means timely, confident decisions. Decisions that keep you in confident control of your project. See More…
ProjecTools cloud-based procurement software brings engineers, buyers, suppliers, and managers into a single, role-based integrated solution. Each player executes project assignments with all the information and documents they need at their fingertips. Engage the right teams and people at the right time with reliable real-time information. Intuitive workflows and tools take first draft requisitions through bid packaging, tender, fabrication, quality, logistics, and delivery. . See More…
ProjecTools People
ProjecTeams are for Oil & Gas, EPC, Engineering, and Capital Construction project teams that are sick of the traditional temp-style staffing arrangement. Your projects are important and you need more than temps that require tons of costly training. You need project experts with experience, passion, and drive to make your projects more successful.
ProjecTeams are an immensely talented group of individuals that will support your project on-site or remotely. Our teams are scalable and available on-demand so you can avoid hiring full-time staff for short-term demand. These teams are already experts, so you don’t have to worry about extensive training – they simply plug into your process and dig in. Learn more about how you can improve project performance and save $20-50K/team member.

Document Control | Procurement | Engineering |
Cost Control | Scheduling | Supplier Doc. Management |
Project Mgmt. Consulting | Inspection | HSE |
Logistics | Completions | Construction |
ProjecTools wants to revolutionize the way global projects are managed because teams are frustrated and needlessly overworked, profits are too low, and useful project data is sitting idle – useless.
The revolution starts with arming key project players with the tools and information they need, want, and demand. This reduces burnout, mistakes, and counter-productive activities while improving morale, creative problems solving, and quality.
The next step is changing the focus from getting through the day to looking into the future to solve todays problems forever. The end result is achieving profitability beyond the wildest dreams, attracting and retaining the best talent, and elevating your game to impress clients through real competitive advantages to win repeat business and more profitable projects.
“I don’t see how companies can manage projects like ours without ProjecTools”
“The staff at ProjecTools has been with us every step of the way. Their unrivaled customer service has been what my staff has needed.”
“ProjecTools cut the time it takes us to prepare a procurement package from six weeks to one”
“ProjecTools Engineering & Commissioning provides a smooth flow and saves a lot of wasted time”
“Our company realized early on that ProjecTools would be a great partner to assist us in growing and enabling our EPCI global management information systems.”
“I have spent the last several months working with the ProjecTools product and team. I can easily say that both are top-notch.”
“I highly recommend that clients reach out to this company for innovative ways to improve project reporting and tracking.”
“Our Company chose ProjecTools over another application we were using because ProjecTools application is way more powerful and for our global teams working together better.”
“I know that ProjecTools will help to move our growth along.”
“ProjecTools provides a single, convenient location to store pertinent project information that can be accessed from any location at any time and is extremely simple to use.”
“ProjecTools time and stores all necessary project information in one spot”
“I am a new ProjecTools user, and so far my experience has been great. I would recommend this product to my colleagues working for other companies in the oil and gas industry.”

Connect With ProjecTools
Experience working with a truly professional EPC, Engineering, and Capital Construction software company that has the real world experience to make
engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning projects as profitable and headache free as possible.
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As always, ProjecTools respects your right to privacy. We’d never sell your email or be imprudent. You can see specifics here.
About ProjecTools
ProjecTools is for businesses that want to solve problems with the best people, ideas and technology. Since 1994, our team has been working towards the vision that our people, ideas and technology would be behind the most successful projects. ProjecTools has done that since the beginning. With project teams in the field working on the biggest engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning mega projects – we have taken the real-life problems and solves them with technology and ideas.
What we have done is given end users applications that they love, features they need, and supported them in the way they want it. The utility and support makes sure teams buy in and consciously stop the vicious cycle of emails, spreadsheets, unaccountable interactions, and waste that costs tens, or hundreds of thousands, or millions per project.
An amazing byproduct is that it creates an operational advantage that speaks to the management and executive level as well. It puts leader’s fingers on the pulse of the business so they can make the right decision at critical moments. For our clients we want to be more than a software company, consulting company, or a staffing company. The goal is to partner with clients and assume the role of trusted advisor to help you improve at every level and thrive in the changing market.