ProjecTools Consulting Services

Texas based EPC experts delivering project management solutions since 1994
Cloud based since 2006
“I highly recommend that clients reach out to this company for innovative ways to improve project reporting and tracking.”
“Our company realized early on that ProjecTools would be a great partner to assist us in growing and enabling our EPCI global management information systems.”
ProjecTools Managed Services
Every project has that critical start-stop-start again period of initial organization and planning. How you handle this hurry-up-and-wait phase can have oversized impact on your budget and the successful execution of the project.
Use ProjecTools on-demand virtual project staffing experts for those critical bursts of activity.
ProjecTools streamlined project setup lets you establish the working foundations for your project before the daily workload hits the fan. Delay your full-time hiring decisions until it makes sense. Get the advantage of fully functional and integrated, perfect project execution tools, set up and ready to go from zero to full speed right when you need them.
Outsource technical and administrative work to ProjecTools managed services for short, medium, and/or long-term project needs.
- Engineering Document Registers
- Tagged Equipment Lists
- Preservation Schedules
- Procurement Packages
- Logistics
- Completions Admin
- Commissioning Admin
- Smart ‘wet’ Form Creation
- Mobile Form Creation
- ….& more

“I have spent the last several months working with the ProjecTools product and team. I can easily say that both are top-notch.”
“I don’t see how companies can manage projects like ours without ProjecTools”
- Cost saving – pay only for task specific hours worked
- Stability across projects
- Best Practices/workflows quick implementation
- Balanced expenditures by addressing peaks and valleys in work load
- Seamless handover of consistently organized, ready-to-go projects to local staff
- Increased Productivity/Efficiency
- Security
- Scalability
Onsite Implementation & Consulting

- Process troubleshooting & solutions
- Practices analysis and course correction to eliminate waste
- Money saving operational efficiency to optimize quality
- Project objectives implementation with integrated tools to achieve them
- Hands-on multiple discipline integration and buy-in
- Real time workflow and reporting implementation
- Live collaboration in concept-to-creation of project specific development enhancement requests
- Shared industry best practices implementation, scalable to any type or size project to improve work product agility and capcity
“Our Company chose ProjecTools over other applications we were using because ProjecTools application is way more powerful and for our global teams working together better.”
“The staff at ProjecTools has been with us every step of the way. Their unrivaled customer service has been what my staff has needed.”
Training & Implementation Services
For thirty years, substantive engagement with clients on projects of every type and scope has been at the core of ProjecTools Solutions. Our deep understanding of project execution translates your goals and best practices into cost saving and schedule efficient performance. Each success begins with implementation and training.
Our experts deliver implementation specific to your project.
We focus user training on practical application of your processes with tools, functions and features for perfect project execution.
Our dynamic, engaging approach with your users inspires creative interaction to ensure your needs are met.

Onsite or Virtual Training & Implementation anywhere in the world.
For efficiency and economy with large groups of users, onsite training is recommended.
“I am a new ProjecTools user, and so far my experience has been great. I would recommend this product to my colleagues working for other companies in the oil and gas industry.”
“ProjecTools cut the time it takes us to prepare a procurement package from six weeks to one.”
“ProjecTools Engineering & Commissioning provides a smooth flow and saves a lot of wasted time”